One 30-minute treatment, 2x per week for 4 weeks. No other modality used.
Real people, real results for Aging Skin, Acne, Hair Growth, Pain Relief, and Body Contouring.
One 30-minute treatment, 2x per week for 4 weeks. No other modality used.
Treatment: 3x a week for 4-weeks. After photo is 8 weeks post-treatment.
30 mins / day for 10 days. No other modalities, medications or creams used.
Time Frame: 30 mins 3x/wk for 4 weeks. Photo taken 12 weeks post treatment.
One 30-minute treatment, 2x per week for 4 weeks. No other modality used.
After one 30-minute Celluma treatment post microneedling.
Time Frame: 30 mins 3x/wk for 4 weeks. Photo taken 12 weeks post treatment.
1 Celluma Treatment, after microneedling
1 Celluma Treatment, after microneedling
Treatment: One 30-minute Celluma treatment per week for 10 weeks.
*Clinically proven results based on an independent study
*Clinically proven results based on an independent study
Aging could be described as the degradation of the metabolic process. For as long as we can remember, humans have pursued ways of minimizing the effects of aging and increasing longevity. While we can’t literally turn back the hands of time, there are steps we can take now to safely and naturally improve and maintain our best appearance, slow down the signs of aging, and give ourselves a bit more longevity.
When it comes to aging, a significant factor that leads to wrinkles, fine lines, and joint pain is due to inadequate collagen levels. Collagen is the main structural protein found in your skin and other connective tissue. Collagen literally holds our bodies together. It is found throughout the body in skin, muscles, blood vessels, bones and the cornea. An easy way to remember what collagen does is to look at the Greek prefix ‘kolla’ which means glue.
Elastin is also a connective tissue found in skin, heart, lungs and blood vessels that allows the skin to stretch and bounce back to it's original shape. Elastin is very stretchy - about 1,000 times as stretchy as collagen. This provides resilience and elasticity to the skin.
The key mechanism for increasing collagen and elastin is the up-regulation of energy (ATP) in fibroblast cells using LED red light therapy. Fibroblast cells make collagen and elastin, and are the most abundant protein in the dermis - the middle layer of skin. So it stands to reason that the more, and healthier, fibroblasts we have in the skin, the more we optimize the levels of healthy collagen and elastin proteins. Red light and near-infrared light energy have been demonstrated in clinical research to repair, rejuvenate, and proliferate fibroblast cells, resulting in a cascade of benefits to the skin and body.
Healthy collagen and elastin levels are what give us a glowing complexion, firm skin, strong nails, dense bones, and healthy hair. They are is also essential in keeping muscles, joints, and tendons strong, flexible, and in healthy working order. Simply put, the more our bodies produce collagen and elastin, the better we’ll look and feel as we age and attempt to delay tissue and cell degeneration.
As we age, our fibroblast cells become compromised resulting in lower levels of these proteins. As the structural elements of the skin break down, you might start noticing decreased elasticity in our skin, wrinkles, and our joints may not move as freely as they used to. This is because lower levels of collagen and elastin lead to breakdowns in cartilage and connective tissues throughout the body. This can cause inflammation, soreness, stiffness, arthritis, and prolonged recovery time after physical activity.
Other common signs of aging can include:
While we cannot stop time, with knowledge of how our bodies work, we can take immediate steps to safely and naturally repair and restore our body's normal functions. Due to age, environment, sickness, or other conditions, impaired mitochondrial function in the body is often the source of age-related symptoms holding us back from living our best life.
The good news is that LED light therapy can address many of the conditions we experience as we age. Taking steps to incorporate a light therapy regimen into your wellness routine will have an immediate, restorative effect on your body at the cellular level. With regular use, so many of our customers are experiencing a long term improvement in their appearance, mobility, overall wellbeing, and confidence.
Aging could be described as the degradation of the metabolic process. For as long as we can remember, humans have pursued ways of minimizing the effects of aging and increasing longevity. While we can’t literally turn back the hands of time, there are steps we can take now to safely and naturally improve and maintain our best appearance, slow down the signs of aging, and give ourselves a bit more longevity.
When it comes to aging, a significant factor that leads to...
Aging could be described as the degradation of the metabolic process. For as long as we can remember, humans have pursued ways of minimizing the effects of aging and increasing longevity. While we can’t literally turn back the hands of time, there are steps we can take now to safely and naturally improve and maintain our best appearance, slow down the signs of aging, and give ourselves a bit more longevity.
When it comes to aging, a significant factor that leads to wrinkles, fine lines, and joint pain is due to inadequate collagen levels. Collagen is the main structural protein found in your skin and other connective tissue. Collagen literally holds our bodies together. It is found throughout the body in skin, muscles, blood vessels, bones and the cornea. An easy way to remember what collagen does is to look at the Greek prefix ‘kolla’ which means glue.
Elastin is also a connective tissue found in skin, heart, lungs and blood vessels that allows the skin to stretch and bounce back to it's original shape. Elastin is very stretchy - about 1,000 times as stretchy as collagen. This provides resilience and elasticity to the skin.
The key mechanism for increasing collagen and elastin is the up-regulation of energy (ATP) in fibroblast cells using LED red light therapy. Fibroblast cells make collagen and elastin, and are the most abundant protein in the dermis - the middle layer of skin. So it stands to reason that the more, and healthier, fibroblasts we have in the skin, the more we optimize the levels of healthy collagen and elastin proteins. Red light and near-infrared light energy have been demonstrated in clinical research to repair, rejuvenate, and proliferate fibroblast cells, resulting in a cascade of benefits to the skin and body.
Healthy collagen and elastin levels are what give us a glowing complexion, firm skin, strong nails, dense bones, and healthy hair. They are is also essential in keeping muscles, joints, and tendons strong, flexible, and in healthy working order. Simply put, the more our bodies produce collagen and elastin, the better we’ll look and feel as we age and attempt to delay tissue and cell degeneration.
As we age, our fibroblast cells become compromised resulting in lower levels of these proteins. As the structural elements of the skin break down, you might start noticing decreased elasticity in our skin, wrinkles, and our joints may not move as freely as they used to. This is because lower levels of collagen and elastin lead to breakdowns in cartilage and connective tissues throughout the body. This can cause inflammation, soreness, stiffness, arthritis, and prolonged recovery time after physical activity.
Other common signs of aging can include:
While we cannot stop time, with knowledge of how our bodies work, we can take immediate steps to safely and naturally repair and restore our body's normal functions. Due to age, environment, sickness, or other conditions, impaired mitochondrial function in the body is often the source of age-related symptoms holding us back from living our best life.
The good news is that LED light therapy can address many of the conditions we experience as we age. Taking steps to incorporate a light therapy regimen into your wellness routine will have an immediate, restorative effect on your body at the cellular level. With regular use, so many of our customers are experiencing a long term improvement in their appearance, mobility, overall wellbeing, and confidence.
Treatment: 3x per week for 4 weeks. Lost 2.5" off waist, 1" of each thigh.
Treatment: 3x per week for 4 weeks. Lost 2.5" off waist, 1" of each thigh
Lost 4 inches off waist. Treatment was 3x / week for 4 weeks.
After one 30-minute treatment with Celluma CONTOUR.
Treatment: 3x per week for 4 weeks. Lost 2" off waist, 1" of each thigh.
Treatment: 3x per week for 4 weeks. Lost 2" off waist, 1" of each thigh.
Treatment: 3x per week for 4 weeks. 30-minutes sessions.
*Clinically proven results based on an independent study
*Clinically proven results based on an independent study
It's truly remarkable. Clinical research shows us that specific doses and wavelengths of light shrink fat cells. And it does it safely, quickly, effectively, and non-destructively.
Low-level light therapy for body contouring uses red light and near-infrared light energy. These wavelengths penetrate deep into the skin and subcutaneous fat layer. These proven wavelengths activate adipocytes (fat cells), creating temporary pores in the fat cell membranes, and allows lipids to leak out of the cells and be excreted through the body's normal metabolic processes. This results in smaller fat cells, and a slimmer you!
In a 4 week observational study, participants experienced and average of 2.5 inches lost of thee circumference of their waist, and 1 inch off each thigh. Treatments were 3x a week for 4 weeks using the 3-panel Celluma Contour System. Immediate results were observed after the first treatment.
It's truly remarkable. Clinical research shows us that specific doses and wavelengths of light shrink fat cells. And it does it safely, quickly, effectively, and non-destructively.
Low-level light therapy for body contouring uses red light and near-infrared light energy. These wavelengths penetrate deep into the skin and subcutaneous...
It's truly remarkable. Clinical research shows us that specific doses and wavelengths of light shrink fat cells. And it does it safely, quickly, effectively, and non-destructively.
Low-level light therapy for body contouring uses red light and near-infrared light energy. These wavelengths penetrate deep into the skin and subcutaneous fat layer. These proven wavelengths activate adipocytes (fat cells), creating temporary pores in the fat cell membranes, and allows lipids to leak out of the cells and be excreted through the body's normal metabolic processes. This results in smaller fat cells, and a slimmer you!
In a 4 week observational study, participants experienced and average of 2.5 inches lost of thee circumference of their waist, and 1 inch off each thigh. Treatments were 3x a week for 4 weeks using the 3-panel Celluma Contour System. Immediate results were observed after the first treatment.
Treatment: 3x per week for 4 weeks. No other modalities used.
Treatment: 2x per week for 8 weeks. No other modalities used
Treatment: 2x per week for 8 weeks. No other modalities used.
Treatment: 2x / week for 2 weeks (4 treatments total). No other modality or product used.
Results showing reduced acne lesions and inflammation.
After Photo: 1 week post 30-minute Celluma treatment taken before 2nd treatment with Celluma DELUX.
Results from full body acne treatment and application to buttocks and back of thighs with Celluma DELUX.
Treatment: 2x per week for 3 weeks.
Treatment: Results after 4 treatments with Celluma PRO.
Treatment: 2x per week, 30 minutes. After photo is 2 weeks later. No other modalities used.
Treatment: 2x a week for 2 weeks.
*Clinically proven results based on an independent study
*Clinically proven results based on an independent study
If you suffer from acne, it’s likely you’ve heard of light therapy, or blue light therapy as a possible solution to your acne pimple woes. LED blue light therapy is a proven acne treatment for people who have tried other acne treatments, but still aren’t seeing the results they want. Light therapy used to only be available at a dermatologist’s or esthetician’s office, but with the advent of affordable, effective, at-home light therapy device design, blue light for acne is becoming a household treatment that’s non-toxic, non-invasive, and really, really effective.
LED light therapy works by killing acne-causing bacteria at the source, deep beneath the skin’s surface. As people across the nation are searching for more natural, chemical-free alternatives to traditional medical solutions, light therapy, particularly blue light treatments, fits the bill perfectly. Blue LED light, especially in combination with red light therapy, emits specific, clinically-proven wavelengths of light to trigger an all-natural effect in human tissue, killing acne-causing bacteria, decreasing inflammation, and improving skin tone, texture, and clarity from the inside out.
Blue and red LED light light-therapy is widely used as an effective option for the treatment of mild to moderate inflammatory acne vulgaris, as well as reducing the redness and inflammation that comes with acne flare-ups. One study concluded that “…blue light and red light may act synergistically in improving acne by combining antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action, rendering phototherapy with blue and/or red light an effective and safe treatment for acne vulgaris. (1)
If you suffer from acne, it’s likely you’ve heard of light therapy, or blue light therapy as a possible solution to your acne pimple woes. LED blue light therapy is a proven acne treatment for people who have tried other acne treatments, but still aren’t seeing the results they want. Light therapy used to...
If you suffer from acne, it’s likely you’ve heard of light therapy, or blue light therapy as a possible solution to your acne pimple woes. LED blue light therapy is a proven acne treatment for people who have tried other acne treatments, but still aren’t seeing the results they want. Light therapy used to only be available at a dermatologist’s or esthetician’s office, but with the advent of affordable, effective, at-home light therapy device design, blue light for acne is becoming a household treatment that’s non-toxic, non-invasive, and really, really effective.
LED light therapy works by killing acne-causing bacteria at the source, deep beneath the skin’s surface. As people across the nation are searching for more natural, chemical-free alternatives to traditional medical solutions, light therapy, particularly blue light treatments, fits the bill perfectly. Blue LED light, especially in combination with red light therapy, emits specific, clinically-proven wavelengths of light to trigger an all-natural effect in human tissue, killing acne-causing bacteria, decreasing inflammation, and improving skin tone, texture, and clarity from the inside out.
Blue and red LED light light-therapy is widely used as an effective option for the treatment of mild to moderate inflammatory acne vulgaris, as well as reducing the redness and inflammation that comes with acne flare-ups. One study concluded that “…blue light and red light may act synergistically in improving acne by combining antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action, rendering phototherapy with blue and/or red light an effective and safe treatment for acne vulgaris. (1)
Treatment: Light therapy every other day for 16 weeks
Treatment: Light therapy results after 12 weeks, every other day.
Celluma RESTORE used standalone, no other modalities used.
Celluma RESTORE used standalone, no other modalities used.
Celluma RESTORE used standalone, no other modalities used.
Celluma RESTORE used standalone, no other modalities used.
After 12 weeks, showing new growth and darker hair via increased melanin production.
After 12 weeks, showing new growth and darker hair via increased melanin production.
Celluma RESTORE results after 10 weeks of use, every other day.
Treatment: Light therapy every other day for 16 weeks
Treatment: 2x per week for 3 months. Used with hair density serum by Monpure.
Celluma RESTORE used for 5 months, no other modalities used.
Treatment: Light therapy every other day for 16 weeks
*Clinically proven results based on an independent studies
*Clinically proven results based on an independent studies
Results after one 30 minute Celluma treatment. No other modality used.
Pain treatment 2x a day for 6 days. "Instant pain relief after first 30 min treatment"
After 3 light therapy treatments over 9 days. No other modality used.
Post surgery pain treatment of 30 minutes per day for 4 days
6 weeks of Celluma treatments on dog after black widow spider bite
Results after 12 weeks of red and near-infrared light therapy treatment
*Celluma is not FDA cleared for wound healing.
*Celluma is not FDA cleared for wound healing.
"We love that we're able to provide this amazing tool to our patients. We've seen inflammation and swelling reduce after 20 mins of usage post treatment. It really works!"
--Lisa G., Good Skin Clinics
"I really enjoy the Celluma at home for anti-aging and pain relief. The device is easy to use and is convenient for travel."
--Karen A., Boston MA
"Celluma has become an integral part of my personal routine for achieving fitness goals. Twice a week, I use it for post-weight training recover, yielding exceptional results."
--Lisa, Calif.
Light Therapy Before & After
Depending on what you are trying to treat, some individuals see results after one 30-minute treatment. This is shown in some of the images for Aging Skin, Acne, Body Contouring, and Pain above.
Most people will see improved appearance of the skin and reduced redness after a 2-3 treatments. The wrinkles protocol is 2-3 treatments per week for 4 weeks.
When it comes to using LED light therapy, whether it’s blue light therapy for acne, red light therapy for wrinkles and anti-aging issues, or near-infrared light therapy for pain, it’s best to develop an appropriate and doable routine. It’s a bit like going to the gym, if you join but don’t go, then you will not experience any of the many benefits of a gym membership.
Just like working out and exercising, the benefits of LED light therapy are cumulative. So, for best results expect to use your Celluma LED device at least two to three times a week, and even more if you wish. Use Celluma for up to 30 minutes per area for faster, better and longer lasting results. However, if you are on any medications or have any conditions that prohibits the use of light therapy then be sure to check with your primary physician prior to use.
Here at Celluma we are often asked why Celluma devices do not utilize green LED wavelengths. Well, the answer is quite simple…allow us to explain why green light provides no significant value and therefore not incorporated into the Celluma LED light therapy machines.
LED green light therapy utilizes green wavelengths. These green wavelengths are short in nature and as a result they do not reach deep into the skin layers, especially the dermal layer where the origin of many skin issues reside. To target these deeper layers effectively, a longer red and/or near-infrared wavelength is required. Both red and near-infrared are longer than green light and these longer wavelengths are therefore capable of reaching deeper into the skin. These deep reaching wavelengths are the most utilized, most researched and most proven wavelengths in phototherapy. Using green LEDs in any light therapy device adds additional expense but no clinical benefit. This is why green LED light therapy is not under consideration for our professional grade medical Celluma LED devices.
Using Celluma couldn’t light therapy be easier, and with 13 models to choose from, there is a size and price to suit everyone’s needs and budget. Most Celluma LED devices are lightweight and portable, as well as very easy-to-use. If you’re lucky enough to own one of the battery-powered Celluma Series 2 LED devices, then using light therapy just got even easier. With the added benefit of not needing to be plugged into a wall outlet, you have the freedom to use your LED light therapy anywhere and everywhere!
Celluma introduced the very first battery-powered, professional size, medical grade LED light therapy devices to the market. The are the only battery-powered LED devices available in a panel configuration. With battery power comes the mobility and convenience of using it outdoors, taken on hikes, in the car, and to your favorite sporting events. Many people use Celluma while relaxing watching TV, reading, working at their desk or taking a nap!
And don’t forget to take your Celluma with you whenever and wherever you go, whether it is a weekend getaway or a long international vacation or business trip. All Celluma light therapy devices come with an International Adapter Kit so you can use Celluma freely in almost any country in the world. LED light therapy is great for alleviating muscle and joint fatigue following strenuous trips, workouts and travel.
Whether using LED light therapy for acne, skin, aging or pain conditions, it’s easy to stay on protocol with Celluma. No other LED light therapy machine can match Celluma’s versatility. It can be placed anywhere on the body including tented over the face, wrapped around joints, laid flat over feet or hands or on the back following the curvature of the spine. Its portable, space-saving and lightweight design allows for easy storage and transportation so you can stay on protocol wherever you need to be. Stay on you light therapy protocol with your convenient, portable Celluma LED machine.